TIB Development Bank Vacancies, July 2024
TIB Development Bank Limited was established in November 1970 initially by the Parliamentary Act, the Tanzania Investment Bank Act of 1970 with the main purpose of fi nancing development with emphasis on industrialization of the country. TIB was able to fulfi l its mandate with notable success in the setting up of textile, leather, paper, and other processing industries until the macroeconomic instabilities of the 1980s when the country’s economy deteriorated.
The economic distress of the 1980s caused by the world oil crisis, the Uganda war,
and the signifi cant depreciation of the shilling after the adoption of the fl oating currency policy weakened signif
The economic reforms of the 1990s highlighted the lack of long term funding as it was not offered by any of the commercial and financial institutions operating the country at the time. The Government therefore re-designated TIB as a Development Finance Institution (DFI) in 2005. The bank has completed the process of transformation into a DFI with an engagement focus centred primarily on infrastructure, industrialization (agro-processing, mining, and general manufacturing) oil and gas and services sector.
TIB Development Bank Vacancies, July 2024