Matokeo 2023/2024 form two
Today is the day that
Matokeo 2023/2024 form two has been announced and released, Form two necta results
is now available on this page and also on official Necta and Tamisemi websites.
You can download the pdf file up here for Matokeo 2023/2024 form two in just
few clicks, The steps to check for matokeo ya kidato cha pili are so simple
just navigate with the link provided here Below as the schools are arranged
Link number One: Here
is the simple and link to see the results
Link number two: so click
the letter of your school to see results
Form Two necta Necta
results inshortly FTNA Results are the results from form students who did Necta
exams to be tested if they qualify to continue with form three
Soon after form two
results students are going to be arranged in class categories when they back to
school on this January, Those categories are arts, Sciences, and Business as
required in schools.
Arts students are going to learn these subjects
Mathematics, Biology,
Kiswahili, English language, Civics, History and Geography
Sciences students are going to learn these
subjects only
Mathematics, Biology,
chemistry, Physics, Kiswahili, English language, Civics, History and Geography
Business class will focus on subjects like
Mathematics, Biology,
Commerce, Bookeeping, Kiswahili, English language, Civics, History and
But for other schools
have additional subjects including French language, Chinese Language, Bible
studies and Islamic studies.
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post Helpful please don’t forget to share to friends we are kindly thanks you
for visiting our page, we wish happy matokeo day.